Monday, October 10, 2011


Pastor Scott Littlefield explained in great detail God's will: The way I understand it is this: God's will is split into 2 categories: sovereign will and His un-revealed (?) will. God has a grand scheme for what will happen & can make what He wants to happen, happen: (that is God's Sovereignty) . 

To accomplished His overall will, good things happen to people to bring his plan into fruition, but sometimes He allows (bad) things to happen to accomplish his Jesus being crucified so brutally. God was heartbroken to have to do it, but it was necessary to accomplish His will (plan). 

We have the choice to accept & do God's will whether we understand it or not, or the choice to not obey God's will. If you live outside of obedience you will not dwell w/ God eternally. 

What a key piece of the puzzle I have never completely understood. I'm happy to say I'm in a place where I welcome and beg for God's sovereignty...Lord knows I've made several bad choices, and it was bad choice after bad choice until I was flabbergasted and ready to check out. 

YET, when I allowed God to rule my world, he graciously brought me to this wonderful place in my life w/ Him, and Ray, and my loved ones! 

I am really seeing and feeling the power of God in my life. He's changing my past identity into a creative, loyal, thriving, & joyous identity. Every day I recognize God doing things for me...aliening things in my favor...even if I don't at first recognize His orchestrated moves. Oftentimes, instantaneously I feel and hear God talking to me with what some would consider random luck, or coincidence. I know there is no haphazard actions taken by God. He knows exactly what He's doing, even when I don't. I'm coming to understand and accept (and sometimes be very glad about) His will and plan for my life and overjoyed that He loves me so much he blesses  me with wonderful things in  my life.


Monday, July 25, 2011

Something For You

Since the beginning of my time
You have planned it all, given Your all,
Dealing my cards and covering my debts...

Since my beginning here in life
You have interjected on my behalf and rescued me,
Dealing with my demons that threatened to snuff...

Since the moment I opened my soul to you
without reservation, wholeheartedly, wild abandon, You
Dealt me in, providing my bread, offering me the Cup...

Bring me to the edge of purposefulness, dear One,
bring me to my knees as palms I lay,
It is You alone I chose to please today; forevermore.

Since I joined the throng of Christ's believers
amid songs of praise and tears of healing,
You have given me all without holding back,
only the best for relation to Your will, 
I want to fulfill Your will,
Show me, allow me to do something for You...

Lisa K.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Our Faith in God

"There are times
when we feel like
life is going to sweep us off our feet.
No matter how hard
we try to stay ahead of things,
problems, trouble,
money or job issues
always seem to catch up to us.
Our faith
that God does work
in our lives and has
great things ahead for us
is what keeps us
from drowning in the everyday sea of life."

Religious Gems

When I need a lift-me-up, I turn to scripture and biblical gems. Here are two gems I came across. Hope you derive some comfort and/or strength from them.
The God who created, names, and numbers the stars in the heavens also numbers the hairs of my head... He pays attention to very big things and to very small ones. What matters to me matters to Him, and that changes my life. ~~Elisabeth Elliot

Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully. 1 Peter 5:7 (AMP)
I have found that casting my feelings and life into God's hands is the most important role I can take as a Christian. It proves my commitment to God & Jesus and my relationship with them.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Grace of God

Dear Friends,
Just wanted to share these words of hope, comfort, don't have to pass this on if you don't want, but at different times, your friends may need to hear this for encouragement. It's like a hug from you, and God. Be generous with your love, both to your loved ones and to God & Jesus. They can all help you move mountains.
"To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did." When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better. Concentrate on this sentence. "The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you."  Something good will happen to you today, something that you have been waiting to hear. Please do not break. Just 27 Words,  'God our Father , walk through my house and take away all my worries and illnesses and please watch over and heal my family in your name, Amen.'  This prayer is so powerful. Does God come first in your life? If so, stop what you're doing & send it to 12 people now. Watch what He does!
Enjoy your day and be stress-free!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Life & Times of Lisa

Hi Friends,
Last Thursday, I fell 10-12 feet off a ladder while putting the final touches on my new teepee. Recovery is definitely one of my more challenging situations. My pain meds ran left for tonight's high school CBNA Alumni Assoc. banquet.  I'm 'making' Ray come to the banquet tonight to help me haul home the lout we collect from my classes 'memorial food drive' in my classmate Doug's memory. I also agreed to join my sister Cheryl on the committee and become a member-at-large...meetings once a month and helping out w/ annual banquet. I was on this committee 10 years or so ago for about 4 years and played a very active role as Corresponding Secretary. I hope to not be so active this time around.However, several of the ladies on the committee are old friends, and it will be nice to see them more often.
Big an busy times ahead in the next week/month. I can't work at my part-time job at the daycare center 'All Aboard' through July 19. My sister Diane needs me at Tasker's Well because she is all booked up w/ plans and events: my nephew's wedding Friday, then she's flying out to Calif. for my niece who's to give birth very soon, then taking a cruise to Alaska!
Damn her busy schedule...guess I wouldn't be complaining too much it that was my life, but there is so much more she does in her busy life that really doesn't seem to be her own. Good news, I was asked to read 1 Corinthians 13 during Kyle & Kristina's wedding, which is a huge surprise! They are having a JP, but guess the Lord insists on having some place in that marriage! Good for Him!
Amid all I'm supposed to be doing, my right arm hurts w/ limited motion, about 5 ribs were dislocated and currently sore, my ankles are black & blue, plus both my shins, my left thumb hurts, my hips are starting to feel better, and I've had a headache for 3 days. The chiropractor treated many areas on Wed. and I see him again on Tues. Hoping by the end of this month to be all healed...if my arm persists to bother, will need to go see Ray's Orthopedic doctor/MRI. Possible torn rotor-cuff. I have some range of motion, but definitely shout w/ pain at certain motions. I will resume taking my regular back pain meds and hope they cut the mustard!
All in all, I feel wonderful! Glad God caught me as I landed on the fresh green grassy carpet!
Love to you all,
Keep in touch please....

Monday, May 16, 2011

link to butterflies

Came across this photo article about butterflies.
Thought you might like it.
Enjoy your day and be stress-free!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Rate My Review, Please

Hello Readers:

I signed up for 'Blogging for Books.'
Basically, I ask for a book.
They send it to me.
I read it.
I ponder it.

I post a review...and it is hoped that you will read my review and then rate my review.
And if you like my review and the book sounds good to you,
maybe sometime you will buy this book.
Now that I've posted my very first review
on the book I asked for, Lazarus Awakening,
I implore you to click on the link below and rate my review.
If I get the highest rating, I could win some cool prizes.
Thanks so much!

Book Review #1

Lazarus Awakening
Written By: Joanna Weaver

To live, we must first be willing to die. To live to our fullest, we must die often so that Jesus can inhabit more of our spirit within us. Jesus wept (John 11:35), is the shortest sentence in the bible. He wept because a man He loved died. Jesus’s grief was real. It was a precursor to one of the most major miracles performed by our Lord: that of raising a man from the dead. The symbolism of One who would die and himself rise, as foretold by prophets, yet hardly believed upon affirmation. This miracle led to Jesus’s enemies plotting his demise.

These and other biblical facts are golden nuggets obtained by reading the expertly written book Lazarus Awakening. By breaking down bible passages, word for word, sentence-by-sentence, Ms. Weaver unravels insight into the world of Jesus, his disciples,  Lazarus’s sisters Martha and Mary, their friends, and those who hate and fear Jesus…the pharoses and unbelievers. Throughout the book, Jesus’s purpose in history is explained both in general and personal terms. Jesus was a real man that walked the earth, had a heart and feelings. Further, Jesus was a God-man whose purpose was to be a sacrificial lamb that would die, so that His believers would live!

From beginning to middle to end, the book runneth-over with scripture that imparts personality traits and motivation. It is an in-depth look at Jesus’s actions before, during, and after Lazarus’s resurrection. Lazarus Awakening comes on the heels of Ms. Weaver’s books Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World and Having a Mary Spirit. With glimpses into both Mary’s and Martha’s personalities, you may come to understand Lazarus’s sisters and how their devotion and love for both Jesus and Lazarus intertwines.

This is a definite ‘must read’ that includes a ten-week companion bible study. To live, we must first be willing to die. I implore you to die soon, and often.

Link to Chapter 1:

Review by: Lisa Allen-Kennard

Disclaimer: "I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review"

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Cuckoo Nut Nut

Someone's grandson calls people a 'Cuckoo Nut Nut.'
That's a nice way of saying y'all are flaky!
(Including me...and proud of it).
It's nice being able to be silly and not so stressed out all the time, nor worrying if I'm politically correct.
I put my trust in the LORD so I can relax more. GOD sent Himself to the world in the person of his son, JESUS, to take all the grief upon Himself. To free us up to relax and love and praise Him for His goodness.
Give it a try.
If you are taxed, turn your burden over to GOD. Let Him free you so you can, in turn, become a 'Cuckoo Nut Nut!'
...and all the people said...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Baptism Today

I attended a baptism today.
As we stood and prayed...
Lord Jesus reached down,
and without a sound,
swatted the devil away!

I attended a baptism today.
With my brothers and sisters He made...
Christ Jesus clapped loud,
and then the crowd,
promised with Jesus to stay!

I attended a baptism today.
The water was cold and gray...
Into wet rebirth they lay...
King Jesus He raised,
the dead are now living always!

Friday, April 22, 2011

May You...

 "May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us."

Friday, April 1, 2011

I Accept My Mission

Wantonly, I prayed that the snow blower would cooperate for me, at least until I removed the wet snow so I could make it out of the driveway in our green pick up truck. That prayer was answered - check mark!

Earlier in the middle of the night, I had hastily chanted to the Lord to allow my husband's knee to 'snap out of it.' To be bendable without pain. To be stood upon without falling. Though those prayers were not answered immediately, I did finish the snow blowing and drove him to Somerworth for treatment. Now he is reclining on the bed, his moans to a lesser extent. That prayer answered - check mark!

In the future I will pray again, for new things and for old things I'm still waiting to realize in God's time. You know, some of the things I used to pray for were not the correct requests. Instead of praying for myself these days, I pray for the widows and the orphans. For the less fortunate and the overly fortunate.

I'm coming to grips with the realization that living within my means and not being far-reaching and reliant on worldly treasures is my biggest blessing. For tho' at present I lack abundant worldly toys, my cup runneth over in God's promises in my current and second life; my eternal life. My life that fellow Christian devotees will share with me in the future. 

I don't know how many days I will grace this earth...only He knows. He knows what work He wishes for me to accept and execute. He knows how many days it will take for me to complete His tasks. I accept my mission handed down by my Master. I am happy to die so that He can then live spiritually in me. I will not be wantonly me anymore...I will be more grace-like, like the Savior.

Not my way, but His way. Not my timing, but His. By putting faith in my Father, I have taken the pressure off myself to live up to the world's standards. As long as I strive to live up to His standards, King Jesus will reward me. In that I have the utmost faith. I hope you are like-minded. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Young Poet's Dialect

Recently, I was asked to review a poet's writing,
to share my thoughts and encouragement
to a lad who had a tough start in life,
and share my love of the written word. 

I read the young hand's scribble
excited by the teen's dialect,
so familiar to my own longings...tho' vastly different.

Similar of me 35 years ago
when I, too, was sad and angry,
blaming others and unaware of how to gain control.

Different than me today, and even 17 years ago
when God cast my evil-affliction away
and led me where He wanted me to go...

...into the arms and heart of one whose love and commitment
will never be comparable to God-Himself,
but in-and-of-himself, a spouse who is devoted and forever kind.

I was asked to read a young poet's writing
and while I read, I frowned in recognition.
In the note I wrote back to the babe seeking praise,
I gave it! I meant it! I hope it encourages him to heal!

To be praised and to heal...we all deserve it.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Shall We Give Him?

"But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the Lord gave you: to love the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to obey his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with all your heart and all your soul." Joshua 22:5

"He that says he abide in Him ought himself also so to walk even as He walked." John 2:6 

Don't be simply careful to keep the Ten Commandments - BE VERY CAREFUL! Parallel to us walking on egg shells; like our lives depend upon it (which our eternal lives do). Even the most devout Christians can falter as the Evil One attempts to derail us in every circumstance. We wary, watchful, and very careful to obey God's laws! Hear His commands and then strive to be obedient by applying them. No one said life on this fallen earth would be easy, but the prize of His love (and all His benefits) are our rewards. We will no doubt be subject to persecution, but do not let that deter your righteousness. Jesus said there would be days like this. He also said our reward awaits us in heaven!

Love the Lord your God - worship, praise and cleave to Him. Embrace Him and all He represents, long to spend time with Him in prayer, long to share Him with others...PLANT THOSE SEEDS! Seek to mirror Jesus life: His kindness, commitment, patience, obedience plus an array of holy attributes.  In Jesus case, He is thrilled when we are copy-cats. Imitation is the greatest flattery. King Jesus delights when we show by our actions that He is in our hearts, that our love is real, and not merely shallow 'lip service.' Others will see Jesus in our works. We must allow others to know it is Jesus Who lives inside us. We are serving our Savior. Love your neighbors as you love yourself...and forgive them, as your Father in heaven forgives you. Hard to do, yes, but necessary.

Our motivation: to please God. His opinion of us is the only opinion that matters. Family, friends, neighbors, politicians and acquaintance's opinions, when not centered on God, are sometimes well meaning, but corrupt through the influence of one who wishes we'd turn our backs on God. Due to humans being born sinners, those who aren't saved are bound to have agendas and motivations that differ from ours. We have promised God our devotion and service. We believe wholeheardely in the first commandment.

If people in our lives purposely choose to deny the Father His rightful priority in their lives, they are not holding fast with their hearts and souls. They are holding fast to themselves first. They are denying God's No.1 place in the heart of the righteous. THE GOOD NEWS: at any time they are welcome to humble themselves. To be a willing student and servant of God. To believe in Jesus purpose, to claim Him as their Lord and Savior. To humble themselves and not be embarrassed to admit their devotion to God and King Jesus! Why would they be embarrased to have the best friend? We want the best for ourselves and our loved ones. I want the best for those I love...

In doing so, they too can enjoy the calm that imbues the faithful, righteous christian. A calm in knowing God's promises, knowing God loves them and will never leave them. They too will join us in eternity, where there is no pain, no suffering, no satan...only peace, joy, praise, and love...and the greatest of these is LOVE!

They will understanding that to "....hold fast to Him...with all our heart and soul" will please the the Lord. That God will open His heart to each and every believer. He will give His grace, something that none can ever earn. Grace for the forgiveness of sin bought by the blood of Jesus at the cross. God wants to work in their lives to bring glory to His name. Those new devout followers will understand the wisdom of wholehearted love and devotion. They too will cling and cleave to the Lord as in marriage. Nothing shall come between theirs nor our relationship with God.  Our Holy Father will be our first priority.

We are "to serve Him with all our heart and soul."  Serve the Lord with all our being.  Strive to focus all our efforts in serving Him wholeheartedly and without reservation. The Lord delights in a cheerful giver. He longs to given us earthly gifts. What shall we give Him when all we have is His?

I belive you know the answer!

Friday, March 4, 2011

God's Garden

In God's garden we are all butterflies,
fluttering about, darting in and out of moments in time
that never stands still, except in dire straits.

Butterflies of yellow and orange with a sprinkling of black,
decorations of beauty, marked with signs of resilience.
Cold cocoons having dropped to the ground, fading,
as God's garden sparkles with gentle, fragile wings,
with hearts of warmth that only God can feel.

In His garden grow wildflowers of varying shades
and shapes with no two mimicking,
with perfumes and nectar that tease bumble bees
and lady bugs as they stroll out on a date.

Zipping by with skillful wings a hummingbird darts
and then another, as they feed on to the God
Who created all forms of life to be enjoyed
by he and she and toiled hard but rewarding after harvest.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

In My Defense my defense let me say:
that I am a person who likes to write,
who enjoys a talent that God bestowed
for me to communicate both good and bad,
fact and fiction both happy and sad.

Okay, in my defense let me say:
that God uses bad situations brought on by the devil,
to turn it into something good, so others will see His glory.
I believe I can help others, called to serve others, 
give others a voice to reveal their feelings, 
as an aid to healing and moving on...

(Helping others is my moving on.
I promise to do it more carefully from now on.)

because my words and feelings are too honest,
too personal, too controversial to some I know, 

I will find that journal as a gift I once received,
and/or I will confess in prayers that only HE hears and sees.
I will go where I'm unknown and thus greater support abounds,
for I want to be a helper, but like Jesus, not on familiar grounds.

Because I love you and other close relationships,
since I respect you and you respect me, too,
I will keep my voice silent
and assume forgiveness is a reality.

The bottom line is I love you and will grant your wishes.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mothering My Inner Child

If I were to get in touch with my 'inner child,' at what age would I befriend myself? I think I would step in the day I graduated from kindergarten. I'm looking forward to exploring myself and the way I might have turned out. I'm looking forward to mothering myself.

I am a Tree

a tree,
every day.
Each new day
the seasons unfold:
morning is Spring,
afternoon is Summer,
night is Fall. Looming midnight Winter.

In the Spring,
I sprout new growth that is vibrant green.
In the Summer,
I thrive and the fruits of my boughs now form.

In the Fall, my autumn, I rest while leaves brown and fade.
In the Winter, I curl up and die, hibernate, then reborn in Spring, thus beginning my cycle once more.

I am a tree growing despite lack of water…

Wonderful Years Loving Abby

ABBY KENNARD – June 1994 – December 27, 2008
Prayer for Abby, Our Loyal Pet–14 ½ Years Old
Heavenly God, Creator of all things,
Thank you for giving us Abby, our loyal pet.
Thank You for letting Abby teach us about love.
Thank You for the wonderful memories
that we will remember to brighten our days.
We loved Abby’s shiny, soft, black hair with a bit of white.
We loved how she laid right in front of the refrigerator.
We loved how she came to the table and begged for food.
We loved giving her bacon and eggs snacks and leftovers.
We loved hearing Abby sing to the harmonica.
We loved taking Abby for walks in the doggy-park and woods.
Ray loved how Abby heard the sound of the truck tailgate go up then raced to the truck door to help make a firewood delivery. Ray loved taking Abby to McDonalds after a delivery.
We loved Abby’s kisses, howl, wet nose, and brown eyes.
We loved everything about Abby!

We loved Abby, and now we send her home to You, God.
Abby will keep You and Jesus company in heaven,
And we know that Abby is now happy to visit with:
Rosie the cat and Lady the dog,
Grammy & Grampa Kennard,
Grammy & Grampa Pearson,
Mom & Dad Kennard,
Grammy & Grampa B.,
Nana F., and all our other loved ones in heaven.

We know You love Abby, too, God,
because GOD spelled backwards is DOG.
Abby was our best friend. Now she can be Yours.
Thank You for giving us so many wonderful years loving Abby.

Dabbling in Ho, Ho, Ho



Religion As I Feel It

More and more I've felt drawn closer to my religion. I grew up attending Sunday school throughout my thirteen years of formal schooling. I learned bible stories, endless names of who begot whom, about the twelve disciples, and most importantly, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

I took religion as seriously back then as "all my Sunday school friends got baptized, so I did, too. It made me feel special." 
In my young adult life, I went into the world to see what if offered, or what I could give. I admit, I made some tactless mistakes...some forever regrettable. However, forgivable by Him, if I forgive others.

I met my husband at church sixteen years ago. We got married fifteen years ago. Since the day I met my husband, my belief and faith in God and Jesus skyrocketed. I now pray daily, ask for what I need, and offer myself to fulfill His will. I am surprised daily at how He talks to me and opens my eyes.

I don't like to push my religion on folks, so I won't. 

If you truly know God, I shouldn't have to push.
(Photo by Nella Masil Easter 2009)

Purple Lilac Dreams

Fond memories of the lilac scent floating in the checkerboard screen on a mid-summer's night...with a slight breeze and stars twinkling above.

Laying awake in my darkened childhood bedroom, I waited on a life waiting to be lived, dreaming that after prom and proposals came marriage.

Across bare breasts a warm, muggy breeze floating in the checkerboard screen on a mid-summer's night, the stars twinkling above...with the only good thing coming from the outside lilac trees.

Three decades later the intricate purple buds blossom, and take me back to the day when a life waiting to be lived seemed unattainable...but now is a grand fantasy. 

(Photo by Nella Masil)

Windchimes and Bumble Bees

Planting flowers in the breeze, among wind chimes and bumble bees,
we gather with flowers and pots, enjoying what is...forgiving what's not.

Dressed in colors bright and cheery, we gather to laugh, talk, and smile, 

skipping over lines-in-the-sand, now drawn for a while.

Come, visit my home, meander around, in my yard you can roam,
Open our hearts, bask in the love, and for time that heals, let's thank God above.

Planting flowers in the breeze, among wind chimes and bumble bees,
we gather with flowers and pots, enjoying what is...forgiving what's not.

I'm the Aunt Who'll Let You Go Away

I am the aunt who set up the kiddie pool,
I am the aunt who swam tho' the water was cool.

I am the aunt who encourages your creative blog,
I am the aunt who shines in sunlight, rain, and fog.

I am the aunt who takes you to neat-o fun places,
I am the aunt who makes strange noises and funny faces.

I am the aunt who loves you forever and ever,
I am the aunt who never says never, no never.

I am the aunt who gardens, crafts, and sews,
I am the aunt who lets you step on my toes.

I am the aunt who gives you a room in my home,
I am the aunt who never lets you feel alone.

I am the aunt teaching you about God's love,
I am the aunt teaching you about heaven above.

I am the aunt who is your Godmother,
I am the aunt who is your second-mother.

I am the aunt who lets you visit and stay,
I am the aunt who knows one day you'll go away.

Echoes in my Childhood Church

This is my church.
This is the view I dreamed in when I was a child learning about God.
These colored windows
let in the warm sun, and blocked out the devil!
In this church, when I was young,
I prayed, I sang, and I pondered.
Now, forty years later, I've gone back for a visit.
Back to the colored windows.
Echos of my childish voice still singing, still praying, still reverberating off these hallowed walls.
This is my church.
This is my salvation!

Religious Manners

Here is a lesson in religious manners:
To those of my readers who appreciate God and all he does in your life, join me in saying,

To those of my readers who don't know God, or who have drifted apart from the Lord, I encourage you to renew your friendship.

God wants to be your best friend!
God wants to be your cheerleader!
God wants to stand beside you!

Just say,

(Photo by Unknown)