Friday, April 1, 2011

I Accept My Mission

Wantonly, I prayed that the snow blower would cooperate for me, at least until I removed the wet snow so I could make it out of the driveway in our green pick up truck. That prayer was answered - check mark!

Earlier in the middle of the night, I had hastily chanted to the Lord to allow my husband's knee to 'snap out of it.' To be bendable without pain. To be stood upon without falling. Though those prayers were not answered immediately, I did finish the snow blowing and drove him to Somerworth for treatment. Now he is reclining on the bed, his moans to a lesser extent. That prayer answered - check mark!

In the future I will pray again, for new things and for old things I'm still waiting to realize in God's time. You know, some of the things I used to pray for were not the correct requests. Instead of praying for myself these days, I pray for the widows and the orphans. For the less fortunate and the overly fortunate.

I'm coming to grips with the realization that living within my means and not being far-reaching and reliant on worldly treasures is my biggest blessing. For tho' at present I lack abundant worldly toys, my cup runneth over in God's promises in my current and second life; my eternal life. My life that fellow Christian devotees will share with me in the future. 

I don't know how many days I will grace this earth...only He knows. He knows what work He wishes for me to accept and execute. He knows how many days it will take for me to complete His tasks. I accept my mission handed down by my Master. I am happy to die so that He can then live spiritually in me. I will not be wantonly me anymore...I will be more grace-like, like the Savior.

Not my way, but His way. Not my timing, but His. By putting faith in my Father, I have taken the pressure off myself to live up to the world's standards. As long as I strive to live up to His standards, King Jesus will reward me. In that I have the utmost faith. I hope you are like-minded. 

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog! I always just take a quick look and promise to return but needed your reminder on Facebook today. Thanks, Lisa.
